Feminism As a Senior

Yes, let’s start the conversation. Let’s add a few other generations, too. I saw a post on Threads yesterday about feminism and women aging. Reading the comments today strikes a similar reply: senior women become invisible. On the other hand, most women commented about using our voices. Yes, that is the solution in a nutshell!

Aging “gracefully” is an expected result of generational mindset as well as misogyny in our society. Or would it be patriarchy? Why do senior women become invisible? Why are our voices set aside when we are the generation that is far more well informed? Why do we defer when our inside voice is screaming about injustice or bigotry or racism? LOL if you know me you know I am not quiet about that.

How can we include a younger generation of feminists to strike up this conversation? That is another question from the author of that post. PS Kudos to those younger than me that are intelligent and well versed on world issues. One of the commenters cited that with so much going on in a young woman’s life, there is no time to be aware of issues. What results is that these young women age without a clue about being their true self let alone what is happening in our nation and globally.

Using our voices is going to be my path. My voice, now. I am a mentor in my community to so many women, but this realization is going to widen my sphere to generations that I want to learn from. It will be a win-win!

There is so much more to this topic, but as a single senior, I have found that my personal freedom defines me. There is a reason I never got married.

#seniorwomen #feminism #useyourvoice #bethechange

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